Articles regarding Dominance Theory and Correction Based Training and why Animal Manners does not use these methods or terminology.
- Todd 2018 humane dog training: Barriers to the adoption of humane dog training methods
- AVSAB Position Statement on Dominance Theory
- Dominance Myths by APDT
- Dominance Article by APDT
Modern Training Method
- Leash Reactivity by The Whole Dog Journal
- On Leash Greetings: Yes or No? Smart Dog University
- 10 Thoughts about On-Leash Greetings by Good Human
- Pet Insurance Guide by Consumer
- How to Stuff a Kong by various sources including ASPCA
- Understanding Training Methods – APDT
- Understanding Training Equipment Options – APDT
- Protocol for Choosing Collars, Head Halters, Harnesses, and Leads – Karen Overall
- Why Do Trainers Use Food When Dog Training? – APDT
- Treat Ideas by Animal Manners
- Make-At-Home Cheap (And Easy) Dog Training Treats – by Smart Dog University
- Why I Don’t Use Retractable Leashes

Invisible Fencing and E-Collar Articles and why Animal Manners does not use them.
- France bans ‘training’ dog collars that cause pain to animals
- Research: Ban Shock Collars
- Why We Don’t Recommend Electric Fences
- Electronic Fences – What you Need to Know: by Eileen Anderson
How Our Pets Learn! The Science of Force-Free Learning
- Myths and Misconceptions
- Open Letter To Pet Owners – Learn About The Shock-Free Coalition
- An Open Letter To Pet Retailers Concerning The Availability of Pet Training and Management Devices That Deliver Electric Shock.
- Open Letter to Veterinarians on Referrals to Training and Behavior Professionals
- Companion Animal Psychology: The End of Shock Collars?
- Quebec Bans Shock Collars and Prong Dog Collars by Brandy Arnold
- Remember Invisible Fence & Remote Training are Electric by various sources
- The Visible Dangers of Invisible Fencing by Kim MacMillan
- Invisible Fences by Christine Hibbard, CTC, CPDT
- Should I get an Invisible Fence?
Other “Training” Collars
- Why Prong Is Wrong – Physically and Psychologically
- How to fit and use choke chains in dog training (Nando Brown and Jean Donaldson)
- Training your dog with a prong collar (or shock collar, shake can, alpha roll) is not positive by Joanne Brokaw
- The hunt for the elusive prong collar-loving dog by Casey Lomonaco